personal mission statement

Why a Strong Foundation is the Key to Change

strong foundation

In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey gives some brilliant insights into living a truly effective life. The key is, before anything else, you must have a good foundation. This foundation is a ‘private victory,’ a self-mastery which comes before the success we aspire to achieve in our interdependent social environments – our work, our business, our family. This foundation is twofold, consisting of ‘habits’ which constitute the cornerstone of our lives. Without practicing these habits we build our life on quicksand, on the shifting, uncertain tides of a complex and ever changing world.

When we have mastered ourselves, when we have this foundation, we need not fear change. Indeed, we can embrace it and use it creatively, integrating new learning and insight into our lives, building greater synergy and reaching higher peaks of personal and social achievement.

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50 Tips From My Year of Change

year of change

This has been a major year of change in my life – I became a father for the first time in February, I began blogging in April, I relocated from Australia to Canada in July, and I started a new job in November. Along the way I have picked up a variety of tips that I have incorporated into my daily routine to make life happier, healthier, and more productive. Here are 50 of my favourites:

1. Start with the fundamentals: if you want to live a great life, start by getting the fundamentals right. Examples of what I consider the “fundamentals” include an open mind and a willingness to change. If you would like to read more, check out my article 30 Fundamentals of a Wonderful Life (it was one of my most popular in 2007).

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Review Your Week With These 7 Questions

Often personal development material focuses on goals and intentions as the keys to success. It is just as important, though, to take the time to regularly review your life. I like to do a short review of my day each night, but once a week I like to take extra time to drawback and get a bigger picture of how things are traveling.

Whilst the number of questions in this article is an arbitrary number, there is a specific purpose to making this review session weekly. The questions in this weekly review will allow you to rise above what is, in my opinion, the sometimes limiting perspective of a single day. Here then are 7 questions to end your week with.

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How a Personal Mission Statement Can Help You Change

personal mission statement

“The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.” – Stephen R. Covey

Wow. What a powerful quote. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is one of my most treasured self improvement books. I have read it a few times now and regularly pick it up from my bookshelf to consult particular sections.

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How I Won the Battle of the Bed


Waking early is without a doubt one of the biggest changes I have made since starting my personal development journey. Previously I was one of those people who would continually hit the snooze button on his alarm and would only get up when it got to the point where I really had to. Why wake up early then you may ask? Well let me explain how and why I won the Battle of the Bed….

I believe that if you wake early each day it is a sign that you are happy with your life. It shows that would are excited about the coming day. It shows that you are motivated to succeed.

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