R.C. Thornton

R.C. Thornton is a startup founder and avid writer. He writes about startups at Decoding Startups, where he teaches readers how to go from excuses to launch. Check out the site to get awesome free startup content, and to see the companies he’s working on!

Become an Entrepreneur in 1 Easy Step


Do you have any friends who complain nonstop about their jobs, but never do anything to improve their situation? I used to be one of those people.

I dreamed about starting my own company…wouldn’t it be great if I was my own boss? I could live the way I wanted! Create value for the world!… But NO… The thought of doing it made me nervous. And so for years, I didn’t even try… I hoped and dreamed, but did nothing. I was failing at what I knew was my life’s mission. Until one day, when I learned one simple, outrageously-effective step that changed my life and propelled me on a path of self-employment and entrepreneurship success.

Become an Entrepreneur in 1 Easy Step Read More »

Developing Self-Confidence: Why Most People Approach It Completely Wrong


I recently came to some new conclusions about developing self-confidence, namely finding the confidence to make changes in one’s life (such as living a more meaningful life). They’re a bit unconventional (actually, they’re the exact opposite of how most people will tell you to develop confidence). I’ll share my epiphany with you first, and then tell you about a recent experience that got me there:

Many people say: first, try to build your self-confidence by convincing yourself to feel good (e.g. dress well, seek positive affirmations, etc.; and then go try to change the world). But I realized that never worked. No matter how “confident” I felt, I could never feel confident to do what I wanted to do. I realized, then, that this approach was completely wrong.

Developing Self-Confidence: Why Most People Approach It Completely Wrong Read More »

Why Most People Fail at Change (& How to be Successful)

fail to change

Let’s say you want to become more productive. You Google “productivity tips”, and 46 million links appear. Click on a couple, and you notice most of them are lists of information, usually bullet-points like “use an organizer”, “keep your desk clean”, or “don’t take ‘Facebook breaks’ while you’re working!”.

So you try to use an organizer, keep your desk clean, and decide not to look at Facebook once every 2.8 minutes. Do you know what happens next? It’s what happens to most people. You slowly forget…forget that you wanted to be more productive, and that you made these little promises to yourself about using an organizer. And you’re back to where you started, except this time, you probably think you “can’t” become more productive.

Isn’t that what usually happens? Why is that what usually happens?

Why Most People Fail at Change (& How to be Successful) Read More »