Self Discovery

How to Live Forever

“When you were born, you cried while the world rejoiced. Live your life in such a way that when you die, the world cries while you rejoice.” – Ancient Sanskrit saying

Last week Todd, founder of We The Change, challenged me to write my own eulogy. In his words, “although morbidly sounding, this exercise can be quite powerful and help you generate a crystal clear vision of how you want your life to turn out.” So here it goes….

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A Simple Story About Remembering Your Value

Recent events in my life have provided an important reminder: don’t let others determine your value.

As some readers will be aware, I have been looking for a job recently. As a recent immigrant to Canada, my situation is a bit different from your typical job seeker. Despite having a Bachelor degree and close to 3 years experience in my chosen industry, I have had trouble convincing some employers to take me on at the level I want without “Canadian experience”.

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4 Effective Practices for Gaining Perspective

gain perspective

As human beings it is inevitable that at some point in our lives we will develop feelings of sadness, hopelessness and even depression. These emotions can be brought on by something personal like losing a job, a failed relationship, or a serious health issue for you or a loved one; or sometimes they are triggered by something more global like corrupt political systems, war, or the knowledge that there are starving children all over the world.

Regardless, we are just people and no matter how hard we may try to mitigate negative emotions, they persist. The purpose of this article is NOT to explain to you how detrimental these negative feelings are, but rather give some practical tools for gaining perspective amid these rough times. Living with perspective means always looking at your life from the 10,000 foot level, and when you entrain yourself to pull back and view yourself from this height things begin to look a little different. More often than not, they begin to look much better.

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5 Signs You Are On Autopilot


I was on autopilot for many years. Sure, I was traveling through life with my eyes open and my hands on the wheel. But it seemed as if I was heading toward some pre-determined destination that had been chosen for me by others. In addition, it seemed that whenever I turned the wheel to guide me toward this destination, that there was no conscious thought behind my actions. Are you on autopilot?

Admittedly this can be a tough question to answer. First, it is always hard to be brutally honest with oneself. If you realize that you are traveling through life on autopilot, you may just need to make some big changes. Second, how can you tell if you are? Personally, I believe the best method is to look for particular signs. The following are 5 signs that are either relevant to my life or the lives of some close friends of mine.

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How a Personal Mission Statement Can Help You Change

personal mission statement

“The key to the ability to change is a changeless sense of who you are, what you are about and what you value.” – Stephen R. Covey

Wow. What a powerful quote. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey is one of my most treasured self improvement books. I have read it a few times now and regularly pick it up from my bookshelf to consult particular sections.

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