“I’m frustrated and discouraged.”
“I’m not making a difference.”
“I feel empty inside. My life lacks meaning.”
“I’m lonely.”
“I’m burned out – exhausted.”
“I can’t change things.”
“I’m bored at work – just putting in my time.”
Can you relate to any of these feelings?
I certainly can. There have been a number of times over the years where I’ve felt stuck and confused about the future.
If you only take one thing away from reading this page I want it to be this: change is possible. You have options. You may not see these right now, but I promise you they exist. Maybe you will find the answers here, maybe you won’t… but don’t give up because if you’re willing to do something different – if you’re willing to change – then I assure you a better life is possible.
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein
Who am I?
Hi there! I’m Peter Clemens and I’m the Founder and Editor of The Change Blog.
When I started The Change Blog in 2007, it was a place for me to write about everything that was happening in my life. That year I became a first-time father, moved to a foreign country and started a new career. These major life changes were the catalyst for me start a process of inner-work to change myself into the person I wanted to be.
Over time The Change Blog has evolved into a community blog that is not about me, but about us. It publishes stories written by people of all ages and backgrounds from across the globe, each of whom has his or her own wisdom and experiences to share.
In 2013 I decided to (finally) put together a collection of the best posts published on The Change Blog to date. The result of this effort is Change Your Life: The Best of The Change Blog:
This premium ebook contains hundreds of practical ways to create positive change in your life. The posts I’ve selected have been enjoyed by hundreds of thousands of people, so I’m confident you will like them too. More importantly, I truly believe they will help you to create positive change in your life.
If you’re ready to do something different, if you’re ready to make this the moment when you start to change your life, then click the ‘Instant Access’ button below to get your get your copy now:
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu