How To Be More Creative


Welcome to this month’s issue of “The Creativity Times” – the online, not-for-print, ezine that explores the nature of creativity and gives you tips to improve your own creative abilities.  This month we’re featuring an interview with some of the top creative minds in the world.  Our ace reporter Art Viceity traveled far and wide, to gain access to some of the most elusive and creative minds in history.  Yes, I said history.  Art Viceity was also able to travel back in time and meet with the likes of Picasso, Dali and the grand daddy of creativity himself – Leonardo Di Vinci.  How is this possible you ask?  A little imagination, research and, ahem, creativity, went a long way in producing this piece.

ArtWhat does it mean to be creative?

D. Webster: I’ll take that one, Art – I define creativity this way:  kr ē-ā-‘tiv-ət-ē  n:  Ability to create.  To bring into existence or to bring about by a course of action.

Leonardo D.: To me, creativity is the essence of my being and is the result of inspiration combined with scientific study.   One must use both halves of our brains in the creative process.  It is one thing to see the ordinary and another to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary.  I happen to paint, sculpt, practice architecture as well engage in a number of creative endeavors.  Others write, make music, generate ideas create pottery.  Creativity takes many forms and the expression of creativity is a personal choice. Everyone should chose what interest them.

P. Picasso: I agree Leonardo.  I love to paint, but anyone can be creative using any medium.  Creativity is the ability to come up with something new, or a twist on something that already exists.   It’s a broad term that applies to many different situations.

Ancient Zen Master: “Ah yes – to create, is to create”

Art:  (confused look on face) What the…?  Ok, lets move on to our next question.   Do you think anyone can be creative?

Brenda Ueland: Why yes – anyone can be creative.  You first have to believe in yourself and be willing to give it a try.  Everyone is talented, original and has something to say.  The key, is to diligently practice your craft and have an open mind about your work.

S. Dali: But of course, anyone can be creative.  We all have the ability to be creative and with a little work, can develop and improve our talents.

Ancient Zen Master: “Ah – you are what you can be”

Art:  What techniques do you use to generate ideas?

Leonardo D.: Well, I happen to like to keep a notebook. In fact I have over 1,500 pages of notes on subjects ranging from anatomy to devices of warfare.   A notebook is a great way for me to generate and refine my ideas.  I usually find a quiet place to work, pick a topic and start the process.  After a while, I become so engrossed in my work that time passes very quickly.  Maybe I get in a state of flow?

I also ask a lot of questions.  Asking questions is a great way to probe into a subject and really get your mind working.  My favorite question is why? You ask why, then ask it two more times.  After the 3rd time, you have your real answer.

P. Picasso: yes, I too love to keep a notebook.  My favorite is a Moleskin.  I also like to pick a theme and write thoughts throughout the day – kind of a stream-of-consciousness exercise.  I tend to produce a lot material and have to sift through it to find anything good.  I make no judgments on the content until the next day, when I go sifting for gold in my notes.

Brenda Ueland: Think positive and refine your work.  I usually start by telling myself that I am creative and try to get into the right frame of mind.  I believe it’s very important for a person to believe in one’s self in order to open the door to creativity.  Whenever I write, I do not worry about getting ‘it right the first time’ – that rarely happens. The creative process for me is like looking through a telescope that is out of focus.  I have a starting idea that I continue to work and refine until I have a finished product.  As I work on piece, it gradually comes into focus – this happens by applying many edits and trying different ways to present my topic.  Only when I’m happy with my work, will I release it for publication.

S. Dali: Sometimes I use my subconscious to help me generate ideas.  There are two techniques that I typically use depending on nature of my problem.  First, I usually get away from my problem and/or idea for a while.  Sometimes I think so hard and long on a problem that I start to lose focus.  A nice stroll through town usually clears my mind enough for me to complete my idea or solve my problem.  Sometimes taking a shower helps.  The other technique I use is sleep.  Or more importantly, use the initial stages of sleep to help my creative process.  This is a technique some of the best creative minds use to generate ideas – you can read an article I wrote about it here .  It basically works like this – set an alarm for 15 – 30 minutes and start to think about your problem or idea.  As you drift off into the initial stages of sleep – you’ll enter a state of consciousness where your subconscious can actually help you be more creative.  After a few minutes, your alarm goes off and you can write down those ideas that were generated in your “altered state”.

Ancient Zen Master: Ah – look at the world with a beginners mind and you will see things that you have not seen before.  What this really means is to observe and perceive the world without preconceptions and expectations.  View things with child-like wonder.  That’s what’s great about children – they look at everything with amazement and continually ask ‘what is this?’, ‘what does this mean?’ and ‘Why?’ ,

Art: Well that’s all the time we have for today folks – is there anyone would like the last word?

Ancient Zen Master: Why yes, Art – Thank you for the last word here.  My advice to the novice is this:

Pick your medium.  For me it’s writing.  For you, it may be basket weaving or creating art from rusty metal.  It doesn’t matter – what’s important is your passion for the medium.  As you practice your craft, you will improve your skill over time.  As you practice your craft, you will improve.  Be open to constructive criticism and continue to learn.  Being a life long learner is one of the best things you can be.  I heard a quote somewhere that went like this.  A news reporter was interviewing a lady who was 100 years old and he asked “ you have any regrets”.  And she said yes.  “I wish I would have learned to play the violin when I was 60.  Because I would have been playing for 40 years”.  Wow.  That is a powerful statement (by the way – if anyone knows the source please post a comment).  All too often we think the ripe old age of 60 is time for retirement.  Well it may be, but that doesn’t mean you can’t continue to learn new things and continue to grow and be creative.

Photo by-Delphine-

14 thoughts on “How To Be More Creative”

  1. I love the unknown quote. It’s so true it’s never too late to learn something new. It’s never to late to do something you haven’t done before. I always dreamed I would move to the South West someday. It took 12 years longer than planned but now i have the rest of my life here. Great post! Yesh!

  2. Hi Vic .. that’s a great post .. I love Leonardo da Vinci .. he offered so much and was always looking, learning, practising, practising .. etc as well as producing so many wonderful ideas.

    I hope Art is creativity .. otherwise my brain went somewhere else!

    Thank you – very interesting post
    Hilary Melton-Butcher
    Positive Letters

  3. Hi Vic,

    The first step to unleashing our creativity genius in us is to believe that we are creative. Most of the time people have negative beliefs on their creativity and this cause them lock their potential in them. Creativity does not only apply to people who are into arts. We can also apply creativity in our daily work such. When we are able to do so, we tend to achieve much more positive results that we can think of.

    Personal Development Blogger

  4. Thanks for the guest post Vic. I love the approach you took with this article; I read a lot of personal development articles so it’s refreshing to read something a bit different.

  5. Vic:

    Great post and great links! We are all more creative than we know. Creativity can be as simple as using a different spice in your meal when you cook. I think I really need to apply some ideas from “how to make your workspace more creative.” Yes, I do consider myself creative, but you probably could not tell from my home workspace. Thanks for a some great thoughts!


  6. An extremely useful trick for being creative I found is picking three unrelated things, and then asking how they fit together.

    I can’t think of a specific example right now, but it’s an amazing exercise to try. Don’t worry about your connections making much sense. Most of the time, they’ll be just silly and fun. But from time to time, you’ll come across a real gem!

  7. Everybody is creative. Everybody has creative potential. Some people use their creativity more than others, but everybody is capable, and even the most practical and concrete people can tap into their creative side. It’s all about opening up, and while it can’t be forced out, a person can allow it to come out.

    Creativity is a different way of thinking and expressing feelings and thoughts, and just because it comes more naturally to some than others does not mean a person can be labeled as “creative” or “not creative.” Labeling yourself as “not creative” will damage your creativity. While it can be challenging to tap into your creative side, you and every other person already use creativity in some way already. It is all about thinking and acting differently to bring more creativity into everyday life.

    great post i really enjoyed thanks for sharing

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