Personal Growth & Transformation

Take Responsibility, and Change Your Life

take responsibility

Have you ever wished that some aspect of your life would just change, overnight?

We often want change – but it can be hard to accept that it’s even possible. Do any of these look familiar?

All my family are overweight, so it’s no surprise I’m fat…
I’ve never been any good with money…
I just don’t have any willpower…
I hate exercise…

All too often, we rule out possibilities. We adopt a fixed rather than a growth mindset, convincing ourselves that hey, this is just the way we are, and we can’t change.

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The Indiana Jones Guide to Achieving Your Goals

Indiana Jones

I grew up watching a lot of movies, and some of my favorites were ones with Indiana Jones, the famed archaeologist and adventurer. Indiana spent his days fighting enemies and trekking through wild and uncharted territories in pursuit of precious artifacts (or to keep them out of the wrong hands). He gave everything to his mission.

By the end of the story, Indiana is the hero. His name is synonymous with a hero overcoming (seemingly) impossible obstacles and accomplishing his goal. Think overcoming tough challenges only happens in movies? Indiana Jones’ story follows a series of steps that can help you achieve your goals if you’re willing to try. And they don’t require whips, snakes, or iconic hats, either. Just a shift in mindset and the willingness to challenge yourself to give it your all.

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How Changing Others Can Change You

walking the dog

I’ve made plenty of attempts to change my life in some way, in any way. Some changes catch on while others disappear as soon as they appear. The few times that I’ve really experienced effective change that has improved my life, it has come about in very unexpected ways.

This story involves my brother, who has been depressed for about the past decade. My brother was never very outgoing; he was often shy, kept to himself, and had few friends. During college, he really started becoming absorbed into video games. He lost focus of about all other things, and he still has this imbalance in his life, although now it’s perpetuated by his depression.

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Why Willpower Wasn’t Enough

man at beach

A few months ago, I gave a speech on personal change based on the research in my latest best-seller Change Anything: The New Science of Personal Success. At the end of my presentation, a fellow approached me and said, “You could use this on yourself, couldn’t you?” He then poked me in my rather large stomach and laughed.

In short, “Physician, heal thyself.”

So, I decided it was time to put the principles in Change Anything to work on myself. Sixty pounds lighter, I can now say with great personal resolve that if you understand the principles behind personal influence, you can change anything. Here’s what I’ve learned.

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Changing Direction Later in Life

changing directions

Here’s the paradox: over the age of 50, change gets harder, and yet it can also seem more urgent.

For most of us, life is settled and patterns of behaviour firmly engrained. We may have lived in the same house or town for many years, been together with same partner for just as long and worked in the same field all that time. But just as the notion of retirement begins to loom up ahead on the mental horizon, circumstances or natural processes often conspire to throw us off the track.

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Why Failure is a Part of Success


As long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a writer. I kept a journal faithfully throughout my school years and entered every story writing competition I could. I’d write short poems in the margins of my science lecture notes and even penned comic book stories about all my friends being superheroes. With good grades and stacks of finished stories, I felt like nothing could stand between me and a promising career as a writer.

Except that life interfered. Despite my best intentions, I ended up curtailing my dream once I hit college. Studies overrode novel writing. I picked up a boyfriend, who took up most of my time. I did try to keep writing by submitting short stories every now and again to collegiate magazines, but none of them were accepted. After several rejection letters, I shelved my writing dream in lieu of other pursuits. Once in a while I would find an old 3.5” floppy filled with story ideas and imagine “what if,” but things didn’t get much farther than that. I was unhappy about it, but I felt I should spend my time doing “adult things.” At the tender age of 23, I felt I had failed at writing.

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How to Find Your Passion in the Next 5 Minutes

how to find your passion

I read a wonderful post on this blog recently about we don’t FIND our passions, they come THROUGH us: Our passions are already there. This is very, very true.

I was reminded of this over the weekend while teaching a workshop on finding your passion and creating income from it. We were in the portion of the class in which I did some *laser consults* from the front of the auditorium. I was helping one man come to understand his true *Passion*. In fact, he was close, because he already knew that he wanted to be a Professional Speaker. However, he couldn’t choose WHICH of many topics he wanted to speak on.

I put it to him square: “What would you do with your life’s work, if you were going to die tomorrow?”

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Are You Letting People Help You?


How often have you tried to change something, only to give up a few weeks later?

I know my list of failed changes is pretty long. I often have great intentions (about getting up earlier, or eating more healthily, or taking more exercise) – but I don’t always manage to follow through.

If it’s the same for you, perhaps you’re lacking one crucial component of change: other people.

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6 Must-Read Lessons in Success

lessons in success

Robert Collier said, “Success is the sum of small efforts repeated, day in and day out.” In order to succeed, you must form the habit of following the principles that cause success.

Today I want to talk about six of those principles that will position you to succeed. Without further ado…. here are six must-read lessons in success:

1. Dare: “The person who gets the farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare. The sure-thing boat never gets far from shore.” – Dale Carnegie

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Brian Tracy’s 5 Rules for Greater Productivity

greater productivity

Everyone wants to be more productive to feel more successful and to achieve their big goals in life. While many people have covered the topic of productivity, there is one person that is often overlooked because people don’t automatically think of him when you mention productivity and time management. This man is Brian Tracy. He has written numerous books on topics such as wealth building, success, and time management. Here is a collection of his quotes on productivity that will help you put things in perspective and teach you how to be more productive.

1. “A great life or a great career is built by performing one task at a time, quickly and well, and then going on to the next task.”

You might think multitasking is an efficient way of getting work done, but it’s not. Your brain is hard wired in way it can only focus on one thing at a time, so to maximize your productivity you want to single-task everything you do. Your focus is fragmented and not fully harnessed when you multitask. Just think of calling and driving at the same time, it can be done but it causes many accidents because people aren’t fully focused on driving. So whenever you get a task at hand attack it with laser focus and once finished, move on to the next one.

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